Lucky No.15 Reading Challenge

Heyyo! Saya tertarik ikut RC dari mbak Astrid, supaya bisa makin rajin menimbun dan membaca sekaligus memotivasi ngeblog ^^ Ini dia kategorinya :

  1. Chunky Brick: Grab that book with more than 500 pages that you’d always been afraid to tackle. You know you can do it! Mungkin saya bakal cari dulu bukunya -_-
  2. Something New: Just purchased a book lately? Don’t let it buried in your stacks, read it now!          Wow, i'll try.
  3. Something Borrowed: Read a book that you borrowed from someone else. Don’t make the owner waiting forever for you to finish it. (Books borrowed from friends, libraries, or even rental places, are allowed). I just borrow The Queen At War by K.A.S Quinn from my friend and Princess Virgin Love.
  4. It’s Been There Forever: Dig your TBR pile and read a book that has been there more than a year. It’s time for you to appreciate it. Belum kepikiran -_-
  5. Freebies Time: What’s the LAST free book you’ve got? Whether it’s from giveaway, a birthday gift or a surprise from someone special, don’t hold back any longer. Open the book and start reading it now . I just got Half Bad, and i have write the review.:D
  6. Bargain All The Way: Ever buying a book because it’s so cheap you don’t really care about the content? Now it’s time to open the book and find out whether it’s really worth your cents. I have Beloverage and some Glam Girls novel from Book Fest.
  7. Favorite Color: Pick a book from your shelf which has your favorite color for its cover! Is it pink, red or black? You decide.I dont have favorit color, honestly. But, i'll try to love some color -_-
  8. First Initial: Read a book that has been written by an author whose first initial is the same with you (Example: My name is Astrid, and I can read anything written by Agatha Christie, Aesop, Arthur Conan Doyle, etc)Well, my name is Arfina and i'll try to find books that written by an author whose first initial same with me, maybe Ambhyta Dhiyaningrum's book?
  9. Super Series: Read one (or more!) books that belong in a series, it can be trilogy, or tetralogy, or anything. I've read High School Paradise by Orizuka, Oppa and I, and also The Chronicles Audy. Rencananya bakal beli buku kedua Half Bad, doakan uang turun dengan mulus :D
  10. Opposites Attract: Read a book that’s been written by a writer whose gender is different from your own. I have Looking For Alaska for this category.
  11. Randomly Picked: Ask someone else (a friend, your spouse, even your kids!) to randomly pick a book from your TBR pile. Don’t complain whatever they choose for you, just read it. :)
  12. Cover Lust: Grab a book from your shelf that you bought because you fell in love with the cover. Is the content as good as the cover? Wow. I fell in love with a hundred book cover.
  13. Who Are You Again?: You’ve never read a book from this author, maybe you haven’t even heard his/her name before. But who knows? Maybe he/she will become your new favorite author!  Monica Anggen's book maybe?
  14. One Word Only!: Read a book that only has one word for its title (number is allowed as long as it’s only consisted of one word, e.g: 1, 2, 11). Rencananya Friendsklops.
  15. Dream Destination: Read a book that has setting in a place you’ve never visited before – but would like to if you have a chance. Could be real places or even fictional! Of course, Half Bad!

Interesting, right? click here for more information :)
p.s : sorry for my gramatical error.


  1. Beberapa sering saya lakukan, tapi emang menarik juga kalau dibikin challenge-nya kayak gini.
